
Landscape plan released for RSL Park

We are pleased to release the final landscape plan (‘the plan’) for RSL Park.

Prepared through a community-driven process which involved consultations with the local community, RSL ACT Branch and RSL National, the plan articulates the community’s overall vision for RSL Park.

We will use the plan to identify and prioritise volunteer activities, apply for funding and to undertake staged rejuvenation works at the park over the coming years.

Key design and planting elements in the plan include:

  • Informal seating areas and picnic tables
  • Park signage
  • Rehabilitation zone
  • Soft landscaping
  • Nature play
  • Recreation space
  • Pedestrian lighting

All proposed elements of the plan – except for pedestrian lighting, which is to be considered by Roads ACT – have in-principle support from the land manager, ACT Place Management of Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS).

After months of discussions and negotiations with TCCS, we are pleased to have a final plan in place. Each element in the plan will require detailed planning and endorsement by TCCS prior to any works being undertaken.

We would like to thank the community and our stakeholders for their time and enthusiasm in contributing to the development of the plan. We are grateful for your ongoing assistance and support.

We also thank the consultant team, Futures by Design and Wellspring Environmental Arts & Design. The plan was developed as part of the Friends of RSL Park Campbell’s Nature in the City project.

Click here to learn more about the park revitalisation project


Thank you for your feedback on the draft landscape plan

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft landscape plan. A summary report on the community consultation is available here.

Your feedback is valuable to us and we will be sharing the consultation findings with the ACT Government to finalise the landscape plan by April 2022. We also thank the consultant team, Futures by Design and Wellspring Environmental Arts and Design. 

Last but not least, thank you to our dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes.

If you would like to get involved in rejuvenating our local park, come along to our working bees on 25 and 26 March. We look forward to meeting you!


Have your say on the draft landscape plan

PAGE EXPIRED: Midnight Monday 31 January 2022

Whether you live or work nearby, we would like to receive your feedback on the draft landscape plan for RSL Park.

For many years the park has sat dormant. But from now, things are going to be different!

We want to hear from you about what the park means to you, what elements you would like to retain and what elements you think can be better to deliver long-term benefits for the Campbell community. Kids are welcome to provide feedback too!

Will you help us create a landscape plan that enhances the park’s urban landscape and social and ecological functions? Did we hear a YES?!

There are two ways to provide your feedback:

Click here to learn more about the park revitalisation project

Need more information? Please contact Helen Wilson at

The draft plan can be viewed below or downloaded on your desktop.


New life begins for RSL Park

We have resumed our Nature in the City Grant Project after a two-month hiatus due to the COVID lockdown.

Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated volunteers, visible progress has been made to clear woody weeds from the embankment on the southern section of the park. Weed removal will continue on the central section, which is covered by the ACT Nature in the City Grant Project.

We have also begun preliminary planning on the development of a landscape plan for the park. On Friday 19 November, volunteers from our group joined representatives from our partner organisations – RSL ACT Branch, RSL National and ACT Transport Canberra and City Services – to discuss visions and priorities for the staged enhancement of RSL Park.

Facilitated by Futures by Design and Wellspring Environmental Arts & Design, the workshop involved discussions and a walk through the park to refine our thinking on key design concepts and elements.

The information gathered from the workshop will be incorporated into the draft landscape plan, which will be presented to the wider community on Saturday 4 December. Please see the image below for event details. Everyone is welcome to attend.

If you are unable to attend the community consultation, you can still have your say through an online platform. Details will be released on our website in the next two weeks.

Last but not least, our monthly working bees are back in full swing with new summer times:

  • Friday 26th Nov from 8:30am to 10:30am
  • Saturday 27th Nov from 3pm to 5pm

Working bees are a great opportunity to meet new people in the community, connect with nature and have some weeding fun. We hope you can join us.


Ready. Set. Go! Nature in the City Grant

The Friends of RSL Park Campbell has been successful with its application to the 2021-2022 round of the ACT Nature in the City Grant.

The Improving Urban Landscape Health Project – Stage 1 will revitalise a small southern section of the park (approximately 950 m²) as well as develop a landscape plan for the entire park. Specifically, the project will involve:

  1. Partial removal and chemical dabbing of weeds such as blackberry and pyracantha;
  2. Enhance understory vegetation by planting native shrubs and grasses; and
  3. Develop an integrated landscape plan for the entire park in collaboration with the local residents, park users, RSL Australia (National and ACT Branch), ACT Transport Canberra and City Services and other key stakeholders.

The outcomes of the project will be sustained by the Friends of RSL Park Campbell, including regular working bees to continue weed suppression and control, recovery of understory vegetation through mulching and watering of new native plantings and ultimately, a complete rejuvenation of the park using nature-based solutions.

The project will commence in August 2021 and will be completed by June 2022. The project was awarded $14,700 from the ACT Nature in the City Grant and is sponsored by RSL Australia ACT Branch.

For more information, please see:

ACT Environment Grants

ACT Minister for the Environment Rebecca Vassarotti Media Release


ACT Nature in the City grant

Through the great efforts of volunteers Kate, Paul and Phil, the Friends of RSL Park have secured a grant of $14,700 in the ACT Nature in the City program.
Read more on the ACT Environment Grants site: