RSL Park needs tender love and care.
For many years it has sat dormant and the weeds have moved in.
Our members from Friends of RSL Park have banded together to breathe life back into the park: remove woody weeds, plant native shrubs and grasses, restore the RSL memorial plaque and co-create a landscape plan to enhance the park’s urban landscape and social and ecological functions. Our intent is to ensure the park provides long-term benefits to the wider community.
Now that’s a life time project for a park that’s over 13,400 m2 in area.
That’s why we are taking small steps and a staged-approach to park revitalisation.
Stage 1 focuses on revitalising the area at the southern area of the park (approximately 980 m2). Led and managed by the community, through Friends of RSL Park, Stage 1 works will involve:
- Partial removal of woody weeds such as blackberry, pyracantha;
- Enhance understory vegetation by planting native shrubs and grasses; and
- Develop an integrated landscape plan for the park in collaboration with key stakeholders.
We have applied for the 2021-22 ACT Nature in the City Grants to fund Stage 1 works. The project is planned to commence in the second half of 2021.
If you would like to be kept informed of the project or to get involved, please contact us.